
On Vanessa Kachadurian and Goose Network

Goose Network Blog's latest discovery about Vanessa Kachadurian rather came as a surprise to me. It was a surprise, because I thought nobody would uncover the true identity of that mysterious, funny-looking xenophobic blogger. While my personal style is about refuting and debunking one's ideas like the ones about Donna Garner, who had to remain silent after I presented her the truth, Goose Network Blog prefers going deep with the details in order to reach the truth. They are more about the style, while I like content issues.

Following are my crib notes that I jotted down while reading this long post about the long story of an activist.

- Ms. Kachadurian's accidental inscription of her name under a comment triggered the discovery of her other comments scattered around the internet. Probably a very tiny detail revealed big and significant things. All in all, devil is in the details...

- Ms. Kachadurian frequently uses Facebook, even in various languages. I also noticed that she makes some changes in her name on Facebook.

My Personal Criteria for Gulen Charter Schools

A sarcastic article to reflect upon... I liked the simple and easy to follow instructions in that.

We are all quite sure that the weird claims about so-called Gulen Charter Schools have been proved fallacious. You can see this by checking some of the recent critics of these schools. 

I quickly realized the fallacious nature of these claims after reading a few of them, but some people's aggressive attacks on these high-performing charter schools can make anyone very suspicious. Whenever there is a good news or (bad news) on the national level praising or defaming those charter schools, there is always someone ready to defame the schools in question with his/her comments. Anyway... You are already familiar with this story. 

On the other hand, some things should be clarified. For example, what if someone decided to establish a charter school named "Gulen Charter School"? Would it be considered a Gulen Charter School as well? I mean the criteria to become such a school are very ambiguous.  

Gulen Charter School Criteria

Let me bring some of'em to the table:

1) The first rule to be qualified as a Gulen Charter School, the school has to perform high. Good test scores or closing the achievement gap is one of them.

2) The school must have some teachers from overseas. 

3) Everything related to construction etc. should cost cheaper than the national average. That way, you can deserve your label.

4) Make your parents happy. When they get happy, the attackers of your school will find nobody to get help and eventually they will beg some assistance from the elected officials, people who have never been to your school or biased journalists that would visit your school for the sole purpose of creating havoc in the media.

5) Find a few disgruntled teachers who has recently left your school. Help him/her to piss you off. Find a journalist lover for him/her so that s/he could "expose" everything. 

Not a bad idea, right?