
Why Do They Lie about Fethullah Gulen?

By Mehmet Kalyoncu...

For many of those who have admired the ideas of the scholar Fethullah Gülen and at varying levels took part in fulfilling those ideas for the service of humanity, it has been a lamentable fact that the international community does not know as much as it should about either Gülen or the worldwide Hizmet (Service) Movement he has inspired.


Strategic Defamation of Fethullah Gulen: English vs. Turkish

"With kind permission from Dr. Dogan Koc, I am sharing the article he wrote about the defamation on Fethullah Gulen in two languages; English and Turkish. Dr. Koc says that Fethullah Gulen is accused of being different things in different languages based on the audience of that language. When you read the articles, you will find out why the terms like Gulen Charter Schools, Gulen Muslim Schools or other labels are just nothing but pseudo-titles given by the same people who heat the same issues again and again. The original article can be found on this link.

Fethullah Gulen is a moderate Turkish Muslim scholar who is mostly known for his education and dialogue activities. Gulen Movement, named after him, has established hundreds of education and dialogue institutions throughout the world.  Several books, hundreds of articles and news reports have been written about Gulen himself and the Movement. 


An Open Letter to Donna Garner

The parents of Harmony Public Schools have started to defend their schools at last. So far I have only seen one website probably founded by one parent: Harmony Parent. It is not updated very often. 

Recently I have come across another one, something much more professional and regularly updates: Harmony Schools Advocates. I am only lamenting that I have discovered those guys very late. They have already put several good articles and documents and I believe it is a good first step to defend successful charter schools like Harmony Public Schools.

Their latest pieces are about Donna Garner, an enemy of Harmony Public Schools. Interestingly, based on what she has written recently, they claimed that Donna Garner is supporting Harmony which is untrue. If those parents had read my next to last article, they would have known that Ms. Garner is miles away from being a Harmony Advocate.

Anyway, their other piece is especially good which is an open letter to Donna Garner. Let us read together:


Who is Behind the Attackers?

On Friday, August 26, I saw a report online about the "creators" of Islamophobia in the mainstream media. The report was entitled "Fear, Inc.: the Roots of Islamophobia Network in America". It is a well-written and to-the-point document penned by Wajahat Ali, Eli Clifton, Matthew Duss, Lee Fang, Scott Keyes, and Faiz Shakir, a group of erudite researchers.

There are, the report states, several (seven) charitable groups who provided $42.6 million to Islamophobia think tanks between 2001 and 2009. 

• Donors Capital Fund
• Richard Mellon Scaife foundations
• Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
• Newton D. & Rochelle F. Becker foundations and charitable trust
• Russell Berrie Foundation
• Anchorage Charitable Fund and William Rosenwald Family Fund
• Fairbrook Foundation